Beberapa hari ini pilek dan batuk menemukan tempat nyaman di dalam tubuh gw. dan bahkan mereka mengajak satu tamu tak diundang lagi yaitu sakit tenggorokan. bertiga mereka benar² mengganggu aktivitas gw. dari mandi, tidur, makan, kerja sampai waktu santai gw. hari ini pilek uda hilang dan batuk tidak begitu mengganggu lagi. tetapi ternyata sakit tenggorokan masih mengganjal dan apapun yang lewat kerongkongan itu menyakitkan.
Kemaren malam tiba² si Cin ngajak jalan. karena emang lagi ga ada kerjaan ya uda maen aja lah. akhirnya kita ke Puri bertiga, gw, Cin ama Ellen. sewaktu kita sampai diatas ternyata ada syuting di foodcourt nya dan ada si Delon Indonesian Idol. ternyata dia sekarang maen sinetron toh? hmm.. sempet kirain dia itu VJ Mtv Daniel, tapi kok gendut ama item? anyway, ga tertarik ama dia jadi kita pergi makan ke Gokana Teppan. selesai makan kita jalan muter² ke 21 bentar, liat komik bentar, trus balik de.
Malam nya nonton A Cinderella Story yang ceritanya standard abis. ga ada yang cakep, ga ada yang aktingnya "WOW!!", kebanyakan slapstik yang membosankan. untung filemnya pendek² aja. jadi masih bisa bobo cepet. sialnya, malam itu listrik nya mati, jadi sempet kepanasan dan ga jelas itu tidur ato bangun. yang pasti bangun² uda jam 7.30 dengan handphone dalam genggaman!! wew.. akhirnya sampe kantor telat deh.. -.-"
Sekarang lagi ngantuk dan mungkin tar sore balik cepet ah. mo ngumpul ama Irwan n Henny lagi. lom tau pada mo makan dimana. tapi itu masalah ntar. sekarang musti ngelawan ini ngantuk dulu. cuci muka dulu ah.....
Thursday, April 28, 2005
Tuesday, April 26, 2005
It's Over.
Udah. cukup. segala omong kosong dan kebohongan yang telah gw terima. mulai saat ini gw ga mau ambil pusing lagi. dan gw bersyukur kalo gw telah mengambil keputusan yang tepat meskipun itu sempat membuat gw sedih. tapi satu hal yang pasti, malam ini dan malam² seterusnya gw akan bisa tidur dengan tenang. untuk teman² yang selalu berada disamping gw sewaktu gw sedih dan down, tak terukur rasa terima kasih gw. hanya Tuhan yang bisa membalas kebaikan kalian semua.. (perasaan kok kaya abis terima award yah?)
Well, so much for the shit that already happened.. berikut ini berita yang mungkin cukup menyenangkan hati. quote dari dokter mama gw : "If an operation is necessary, it will only be an insertion of a stent, no cutting." gw ga ngerti itu stent apaan, tapi yah selama ga ada operasi gw anggap ini kabar baik. kemungkinan besar mama gw selasa ini berangkat ke penang buat membereskan segalanya. in the mean time, all i can do is to pray.
Yak, uda cape baca? biar seger, berikut ini para cewe² panitia acara ultah kantor gw kemaren.. cakep² yah.. gimana gw ga rela n betah jadi panitia hauhauahuha..
Well, so much for the shit that already happened.. berikut ini berita yang mungkin cukup menyenangkan hati. quote dari dokter mama gw : "If an operation is necessary, it will only be an insertion of a stent, no cutting." gw ga ngerti itu stent apaan, tapi yah selama ga ada operasi gw anggap ini kabar baik. kemungkinan besar mama gw selasa ini berangkat ke penang buat membereskan segalanya. in the mean time, all i can do is to pray.
Yak, uda cape baca? biar seger, berikut ini para cewe² panitia acara ultah kantor gw kemaren.. cakep² yah.. gimana gw ga rela n betah jadi panitia hauhauahuha..

Monday, April 25, 2005
What A Weekend..
Kemaren tiga hari ke Puncak buat acara kantor. seru tapi cape. seru nya gara² banyak game n kejadian yang menyenangkan dan lucu, tapi cape karena kita panitia jadi kadang ga bisa ikutan acaranya secara penuh. dimulai dari games² yang kocak, jayuz, trus ada bencong show segala (dimana gw juga jadi bencong dari pihak panitia), ada Ad-Ins Idol yang kaya acara Idol dan yang nyanyi pada jago². trus satu acara yang paling berkesan adalah kantor gw mendatangkan top speaker indonesia Tung Desem Waringin. motivator yang hebat sekali, mendengarkan dia ngomong selama 5 jam bener² menambahkan wawasan dan membuka pikiran gw dan yang paling hebat adalah kita tidak akan merasa bosan sama sekali. overall, acara kali ini bisa dikatakan sukses lah. cuma hasilnya ya suara hilang, badan pegel, tapi perasaan happy.
Kemaren malam, kita dari kantor pergi melayat ke meninggal nya adik perempuan Novita. semoga dia diterima di sisi-Nya. dan semoga keluarganya mendapatkan ketabahan hati.
Hari ini, kantor mati lampu dari jam 12 sampe jam 2 lebih sehingga satu kantor ga bisa kerja. akhirnya kita makan² es ke dekat kantor dan main bilyard. trus abis itu balik kerja lagi. target Omniflash : akhir bulan Mei harus selesai. harus semangat nih. trus harus beli motor juga.
Sore ini barusan gw terima kabar dari dokter mama gw di Penang. katanya hasil operasi terakhir mama gw kurang bagus karena ginjal kiri nya terganggu dan di urge (ini uda maksa yah?) untuk kembali ke sana buat check up. kalo sampai harus operasi lagi, berarti mama gw uda operasi di tempat yang sama tiga kali. semoga ga deh. sekarang gw cuma bisa berharap mama gw bakal baik² aja.
Kemaren malam, kita dari kantor pergi melayat ke meninggal nya adik perempuan Novita. semoga dia diterima di sisi-Nya. dan semoga keluarganya mendapatkan ketabahan hati.
Hari ini, kantor mati lampu dari jam 12 sampe jam 2 lebih sehingga satu kantor ga bisa kerja. akhirnya kita makan² es ke dekat kantor dan main bilyard. trus abis itu balik kerja lagi. target Omniflash : akhir bulan Mei harus selesai. harus semangat nih. trus harus beli motor juga.
Sore ini barusan gw terima kabar dari dokter mama gw di Penang. katanya hasil operasi terakhir mama gw kurang bagus karena ginjal kiri nya terganggu dan di urge (ini uda maksa yah?) untuk kembali ke sana buat check up. kalo sampai harus operasi lagi, berarti mama gw uda operasi di tempat yang sama tiga kali. semoga ga deh. sekarang gw cuma bisa berharap mama gw bakal baik² aja.
Thursday, April 21, 2005
Sucks Big Time
Was forced to change my blog title due to the word Vie. although the meaning is "Life" in france, Novi was afraid there might be people who thinks about something bad about it coz we are no longer together and since most people know her by the name Vie. BAH!! what a pain in the arse. and at time like this when i'm busy preparing for my office events? what a great timing.
Anyway, gonna go to Puncak at this evening. hope the event will be smooth. i haven't finished the aerobic moves and the quiz questions so i kinda got a hectic mind going around here and my mood dropped big time.
AAAARRRRGHHHH!!!! thanks for a bad day, "Vie".. you're the best (for those that don't understand, i'm being sarcastic here..) >:(
Anyway, gonna go to Puncak at this evening. hope the event will be smooth. i haven't finished the aerobic moves and the quiz questions so i kinda got a hectic mind going around here and my mood dropped big time.
AAAARRRRGHHHH!!!! thanks for a bad day, "Vie".. you're the best (for those that don't understand, i'm being sarcastic here..) >:(
Wednesday, April 20, 2005
Wish It Was 1999
Got no time to write today n since i'm going back, i'll try to make it short and full of details. last night i watched Mean Girls starring Lindsey Lohan. she is cute, too bad it's a pirated DVD so the quality isn't good. it's too bright for my eyes and lack of subtitle. but nevertheless, it's still fun to watch cute n sexy girls in a movie. slept at 00.15 with a tired body and mind.
Woke up late (damn..) and arrived at office around 8.50. today is Ratna's bday, and she's treating us all ice cream sundaes from McD, so *yay* for Ratna. nothing special for today, except i was able to move the paddle of Omni with stylus. quite an improvement though. maybe i will try to find out how to use transparant images tomorrow, but for now i must go to CL as i got friends waiting for me there. we'll dine at Pizza Hut and talked like it's 1999 hahahaha.. wish that could happened.
Tomorrow night i'll go to Puncak and i think i must have a lot of sleep today so i won't be to tired tomorrow. wish my office event luck guys. i'll post the pics here but in the mean time, this one is from my last food trip at Semarang, courtesy of JadeBlade a.k.a. Charles. it's a candid shot so even i didn't know this photo existed. enjoy.
Woke up late (damn..) and arrived at office around 8.50. today is Ratna's bday, and she's treating us all ice cream sundaes from McD, so *yay* for Ratna. nothing special for today, except i was able to move the paddle of Omni with stylus. quite an improvement though. maybe i will try to find out how to use transparant images tomorrow, but for now i must go to CL as i got friends waiting for me there. we'll dine at Pizza Hut and talked like it's 1999 hahahaha.. wish that could happened.
Tomorrow night i'll go to Puncak and i think i must have a lot of sleep today so i won't be to tired tomorrow. wish my office event luck guys. i'll post the pics here but in the mean time, this one is from my last food trip at Semarang, courtesy of JadeBlade a.k.a. Charles. it's a candid shot so even i didn't know this photo existed. enjoy.

Tuesday, April 19, 2005
The Conclusion..
Again the only time i got to update my blog is at lunch time. oh well, let's get it started. yesterday i got 2 meetings, one for MAX and the other for the Office B'day. for the later, we'll have meeting everyday at 17.00 ~ 17.30 just to make sure everything is fine and right. guess i won't have any interest in going to gym until everything settled down.. at night i went to Novi's place to give her back her book and her friend's picture. we did nothing but talked that night, and ended up with a conclusion we are friend. no more and no less. arrived at home and took a bath, then slept.
This morning i arrived at around 8.10.. bought Ketupat Sayur since i didn't had dinner last night. made some modification on the Quiz program for a better reporting result. finished it before lunch time coz the Indocina web was down for a while. had Nasi Goreng Kambing for lunch plus a Krupuk from Maya. and now guess it's time to rock Omniflash once again. gotta get going so see y'all later.
Ciao for now.
This morning i arrived at around 8.10.. bought Ketupat Sayur since i didn't had dinner last night. made some modification on the Quiz program for a better reporting result. finished it before lunch time coz the Indocina web was down for a while. had Nasi Goreng Kambing for lunch plus a Krupuk from Maya. and now guess it's time to rock Omniflash once again. gotta get going so see y'all later.
Ciao for now.
Monday, April 18, 2005
Di Sela² Kesibukan..
Huah.. akhirnya.. waktu luang.. mumpung lom jam kerja lagi, update blog dulu ah..
Minggu, 17 April 2005
Bangun jam 7.30 AM trus langsung mandi dan jalan ke kantor soale uda janji ama Novi bakal jadi model foto tugas dia. rencana sih gw, Cin, Irwan ama Ricky bakal jadi modelnya. tetapi ternyata Irwan nyusul dan Ricky ga jadi ikut. sampai di kantor jam 8 lewat, tunggu sebentar sambil browsing², trus si Cin datang dan akhirnya Novi datang. setelah sarapan roti yang dibawanya (enak loh) kita jalan ke kampus Novi di daerah Sudirman. tetapi sebelum ke kampusnya kita ke ADORAMA buat periksa kamera Novi dulu soalnya model lama n kita ga ngerti pake nya. pas diperiksa ternyata kotor disini, rusak disana sehingga harus diservice dulu. akhirnya kita batal ke kampus Novi dan langsung meluncur ke Artha Gading. sampai disana kita makan siang sambil ngobrol². selesai makan kita jalan ke NAV 2.
Si Irwan punya free pass 1 jam yang kadaluwarsa minggu itu jadi kenapa ga dipake,ya kan? hehe.. sesampai disana si Irwan lagi jemput si Cath jadi kita masuk dulu n nyanyi² dulu. ga lama kemudian, si Irwan sampe ama si Cath n mereka join kita. setelah semua puas mengeluarkan suara (kecuali Cath) gw, Cin n Novi balik ke kantor sementara si Irwan anterin si Cath balik. sampai di kantor kita siap² buat meeting di Pronto pondok indah sambil nunggu anak² yang lain datang. jam 16.30 kita jalan ke pondok indah. yang ikut adalah gw, Cin, Maya, Lili, Ellen, Bella, Irwin, n Henry serta si Novi ikut mo jalan ke pondok indah.
Makan sambil meeting, bahas ini bahas itu, ga sadar waktu uda jam 8. beli Wendy's buat koko gw, abis itu balik ke kantor soale si Novi dijemput bokapnya di kantor. sementara si Cin anterin Lili balik, gw temenin si Novi di kantor bentar. 21.30 gw dianterin Cin balik ke kosan. mandi bentar, trus nonton 50 First Dates nya Adam Sandler ama Drew Barrymore. bagus, romantis dan kocak. cocok lah buat penutupan sebelum tidur. hoeahm..
Senin, 18 April 2005
Hari ini cuma telat 15 menit. itu juga gara² macet dan mikrolet nya nge-tem mulu. haih.. jadi pengen beli motor neeeeeeeh. biar gampang kemana², gampang kalo lembur, gampang kalo mo nge-date haihaihaaiha.. now i'm talking bullshit. eniwei, hari ini mulai ngutak-ngatik Omniflash sambil sesekali liat indocina ama YM. barusan makan siang n sekarang uda jam kerja jadi ciao dulu. tar malam mo ke tempat Novi buat balikin buku ama foto temen dia.
PS :
Kok gw merasa aneh yah nulis pake indo (cieeee gaya luuuuu..) hauhauhauaha
Minggu, 17 April 2005
Bangun jam 7.30 AM trus langsung mandi dan jalan ke kantor soale uda janji ama Novi bakal jadi model foto tugas dia. rencana sih gw, Cin, Irwan ama Ricky bakal jadi modelnya. tetapi ternyata Irwan nyusul dan Ricky ga jadi ikut. sampai di kantor jam 8 lewat, tunggu sebentar sambil browsing², trus si Cin datang dan akhirnya Novi datang. setelah sarapan roti yang dibawanya (enak loh) kita jalan ke kampus Novi di daerah Sudirman. tetapi sebelum ke kampusnya kita ke ADORAMA buat periksa kamera Novi dulu soalnya model lama n kita ga ngerti pake nya. pas diperiksa ternyata kotor disini, rusak disana sehingga harus diservice dulu. akhirnya kita batal ke kampus Novi dan langsung meluncur ke Artha Gading. sampai disana kita makan siang sambil ngobrol². selesai makan kita jalan ke NAV 2.
Si Irwan punya free pass 1 jam yang kadaluwarsa minggu itu jadi kenapa ga dipake,ya kan? hehe.. sesampai disana si Irwan lagi jemput si Cath jadi kita masuk dulu n nyanyi² dulu. ga lama kemudian, si Irwan sampe ama si Cath n mereka join kita. setelah semua puas mengeluarkan suara (kecuali Cath) gw, Cin n Novi balik ke kantor sementara si Irwan anterin si Cath balik. sampai di kantor kita siap² buat meeting di Pronto pondok indah sambil nunggu anak² yang lain datang. jam 16.30 kita jalan ke pondok indah. yang ikut adalah gw, Cin, Maya, Lili, Ellen, Bella, Irwin, n Henry serta si Novi ikut mo jalan ke pondok indah.
Makan sambil meeting, bahas ini bahas itu, ga sadar waktu uda jam 8. beli Wendy's buat koko gw, abis itu balik ke kantor soale si Novi dijemput bokapnya di kantor. sementara si Cin anterin Lili balik, gw temenin si Novi di kantor bentar. 21.30 gw dianterin Cin balik ke kosan. mandi bentar, trus nonton 50 First Dates nya Adam Sandler ama Drew Barrymore. bagus, romantis dan kocak. cocok lah buat penutupan sebelum tidur. hoeahm..
Senin, 18 April 2005
Hari ini cuma telat 15 menit. itu juga gara² macet dan mikrolet nya nge-tem mulu. haih.. jadi pengen beli motor neeeeeeeh. biar gampang kemana², gampang kalo lembur, gampang kalo mo nge-date haihaihaaiha.. now i'm talking bullshit. eniwei, hari ini mulai ngutak-ngatik Omniflash sambil sesekali liat indocina ama YM. barusan makan siang n sekarang uda jam kerja jadi ciao dulu. tar malam mo ke tempat Novi buat balikin buku ama foto temen dia.
PS :
Kok gw merasa aneh yah nulis pake indo (cieeee gaya luuuuu..) hauhauhauaha
Saturday, April 16, 2005
Sabtu² IC2MI.. haih..
Jam 9.20 PM.. masih di kantor.. ga ada kerjaan.. foto² aja aaaaah.. mumpung ada si irwan juga.. jadi lah pose kaya gini..

Kasian yah kita haihaihaihaiah..

Kasian yah kita haihaihaihaiah..
Slow Saturday..
Last night i watched 2 dvd in a row.. one is Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind by Jim Carrey and the other one is Girl Next Door.. the first movie is about memory erasing.. a good movie but i don't really understand the ending coz my friend called me so my attention was divided.. while Eternal got Jim Carrey, Kate Winslet, and Kirsten Dunst, the Girl got no famous stars at all.. but overall it's a good teen-movie.. quite a relaxing movie since i laughed a lot and it gave me a good sleep last night.. i also had a pleasant dream with someone.. but what the dream was and with who, i won't tell.. heheh..
Well, since the dream was so pleasant, when i woke up at around 7.30 AM, i went back to sleep immidiately.. and guess what, the dream continued on.. this happened about 2~3 times before i fully awaken at around 9.30 AM.. went to office and arrived there at 10.35 AM.. checked the IndoCina website and found out the full list of new mods.. congratz to all of them.. had lunch at 12.30 PM and after that went back to office to play games, browsing, listening to music, chatting, and so on until now.. maybe later will go to have pizzas..
No picture fot today.. maybe i'll have a new pic at Monday.. stay alert.. and that's all for today.. see you all at Monday..
Well, since the dream was so pleasant, when i woke up at around 7.30 AM, i went back to sleep immidiately.. and guess what, the dream continued on.. this happened about 2~3 times before i fully awaken at around 9.30 AM.. went to office and arrived there at 10.35 AM.. checked the IndoCina website and found out the full list of new mods.. congratz to all of them.. had lunch at 12.30 PM and after that went back to office to play games, browsing, listening to music, chatting, and so on until now.. maybe later will go to have pizzas..
No picture fot today.. maybe i'll have a new pic at Monday.. stay alert.. and that's all for today.. see you all at Monday..

Friday, April 15, 2005
Sic Nic
Last night, when i was walking home, i met Novi.. we then had dinner together and after that we went home, separately.. it's sad i know, but the damage is done and we both will surely need time to heal ourselves.. i sure missed her.. and on top of that, i was having this minor fever since the time i went back from office.. not to mention my sore feet which made me unable to walk properly.. and when i arrived at my kost, all of the sudden i didn't feel like playing Parasite Eve II, so instead i watched I-Robots and when i finished watching I-Robots, my minor fever seemed to evolve into a medium headache so i went to Jupri for some medicine and he gave me Biogesic.. and after that i tried to sleep and finally maybe after about half an hour i felt asleep.. in my sleep i had some annoying dreams but i couldn't remember any of them..
And this morning i woke up, still a little dizzy, with an even worse sore feet.. i even almost skipped working today, but then came a message from Cin saying we'll go for a survey for our new office today, so i thought might as well worked today.. had a bath (although i don't think it's a bath at all, if you know what i mean
) and then i went to the office.. met Lili, Uthe, Dian and Pa Dwi on my way up to the office, and they sure made me felt a lot better.. i even smiled.. and now after i ate a breakfast, it's time to challange Omniflash again.. hope i won't fell asleep hiahiahiha..
And happy news for today : shoutbox is on again.. yay.. thank God i won't need to find another shoutbox.. (feels like dancing..
Ciao for now..
And this morning i woke up, still a little dizzy, with an even worse sore feet.. i even almost skipped working today, but then came a message from Cin saying we'll go for a survey for our new office today, so i thought might as well worked today.. had a bath (although i don't think it's a bath at all, if you know what i mean

And happy news for today : shoutbox is on again.. yay.. thank God i won't need to find another shoutbox.. (feels like dancing..

Ciao for now..
Thursday, April 14, 2005
Apr 14, 2005 - Control Panel is closed. In a day or two, all shoutboxes will be set to read-only mode to preserve the datas during the server shift.
Once everything is moved successfully, ShoutMix will be back to normal again. Hopefully it will be completed by this weekend. Sorry for the inconveniences
Looks like no shout box for a while then..

Meanwhile, i tried to learn about the sample code for Omniflash.. quite challenging.. hope i'll managed to write the enhancement quickly.. just imagining me playing my own game makes me excited and kinda full of spirit.. too bad my brain isn't cooperating with me, making it harder.. but i will succeed..

That's for today.. maybe i won't go to the gym.. this body needed rest from yesterday's torture.. hauhuahuahuah.. maybe i'll finish my Parasite Eve II (again and again) and after that sleep earlier so i won't be late again tomorrow..
Life sure is good at the moment..

Tired But Happy
After almost a month without gym (yep, lu heard right..), finally i had the chance.. went there and just run, run and run.. i did two sets of running with a 20 minutes duration and varied speed of 7.5 ~ 9.. after that the waist and abdominal.. then i went home, played game a bit (Parasite Eve II, never got bored of it) and then when i was about to sleep, my brother watched Resident Evil : Apocalypse.. great.. can't sleep so might as well watched the movie too.. it's not really the same as the game but can do lah.. slept at 1.30 AM..
And the result,
i woke up at 7.45 AM and arrived at the office at 8.50 AM.. not to mention my body ached plus sore feet..
hope i can make it through today huahuahua..
By the way, today cin just copied the album from the most famous singer in Thailand, Tong Chai.. frankly i think the songs are funny, and quite nice to be a stress releiver.. but that's just me, coz when i turned the volume up, most people at my office felt annoyed..
hiahiahiaha.. gomene mina..
Oh oh.. i totally forgot!! i was supposed to celebrate my one year working at my office Ad-Ins yesterday at April the 12th.. let's see, with what should i treat myself?
And the result,


By the way, today cin just copied the album from the most famous singer in Thailand, Tong Chai.. frankly i think the songs are funny, and quite nice to be a stress releiver.. but that's just me, coz when i turned the volume up, most people at my office felt annoyed..

Oh oh.. i totally forgot!! i was supposed to celebrate my one year working at my office Ad-Ins yesterday at April the 12th.. let's see, with what should i treat myself?

Wednesday, April 13, 2005
Not Again?
Just got out from the second BREW meeting, and guess what? tomorrow, same time, same place, same topic.. third BREW meeting.. NOOOOOOOOOOOOO..
And on top of that, i just remembered that i'll have this Omniflash meeting with Ricky and Kukuh to talk about the classes and methods that we're going to use on Omniflash, and it's on Thursday and Friday, which will basically made me attending meeting for 5 days in a row..
(yes, the meeting on Puncak Inn is also counted, although it's a fun one
, it's still a meeting after all
Great.. i'll just go to the toilet now for some stomach releiving (know what i'm talking about?
) and then after that it's gym time.. Gawd, how i miss the gym.. then after that, i'll lay this tired body at bed and
till it's the morning of April the 14th..
Yep, live sure is good when you got nothing to worry about..
alas, i'm just a simple man, with a twisted life.. haih.. xuan lah.. huei jia ba.. tread mill tread mill.. 
PS :
i'm using emoticons now, and i took it from Yahoo Messenger.. hope they don't mind about it..
oh, and did you notice my new flashing avatar? all thanks to Cin a.k.a. Shining-Blue for making me the animation..
And on top of that, i just remembered that i'll have this Omniflash meeting with Ricky and Kukuh to talk about the classes and methods that we're going to use on Omniflash, and it's on Thursday and Friday, which will basically made me attending meeting for 5 days in a row..



Great.. i'll just go to the toilet now for some stomach releiving (know what i'm talking about?



Yep, live sure is good when you got nothing to worry about..


PS :
i'm using emoticons now, and i took it from Yahoo Messenger.. hope they don't mind about it..


Me? An Assassin?
Yesterday i got 3 meeting at once.. starting with the 5th Anniversary meeting in the morning, then followed by MAX meeting in the afternoon and finally the BREW meeting at the evening.. and if i heard right, today we'll have another BREW meeting coz yesterday we haven't got any decision yet..
Last night, i finally finished my second side job, which i called Project Translation, the Second Story.. it's not much actually, just about 8~10 pages each night.. and i dunno why, i suddenly had a nightmare last night, where i killed a guy, and i didn't feel any guilt or sadness.. maybe i was an assassin and killing is my duty..
And you know what? i killed the person by beheading him from behind, using a short samurai (or is it katana?) and i dragged his head into this car where my fellow assassins waited and i threw the head into a bin.. and in the morning i felt miserable.. maybe i needed a vacation.. bweh..
So, this morning, unusual, i arrived at office before 8 AM, which is of course a good thing.. and my friend Rian was able to capture the moment that perfectly describe my condition right now.. well, of course with some edition, that is.. *wink*

Enough for now.. else my work won't be finished.. be right back..
Last night, i finally finished my second side job, which i called Project Translation, the Second Story.. it's not much actually, just about 8~10 pages each night.. and i dunno why, i suddenly had a nightmare last night, where i killed a guy, and i didn't feel any guilt or sadness.. maybe i was an assassin and killing is my duty..
And you know what? i killed the person by beheading him from behind, using a short samurai (or is it katana?) and i dragged his head into this car where my fellow assassins waited and i threw the head into a bin.. and in the morning i felt miserable.. maybe i needed a vacation.. bweh..
So, this morning, unusual, i arrived at office before 8 AM, which is of course a good thing.. and my friend Rian was able to capture the moment that perfectly describe my condition right now.. well, of course with some edition, that is.. *wink*

Enough for now.. else my work won't be finished.. be right back..
Tuesday, April 12, 2005
Puncak Inn, Second Survey
Yesterday me, lili, irwin, maya and ellen went to Puncak Inn again for the second survey. there we checked the meeting room, karaoke bar, restaurants and most important, the fields for the games..
After sitting and talking and writing and discussing for a while, we then started the game simulation, where we ran, jumped, played and laughed.. i actually forgot my problems for a while but who am i kidding. problems are not to be forgotten but to be solved. if we continued to run away then someday at the time you expected the least, it'll come back and haunt you again..
Why am i talking about my problems here? hmm.. anyways, we took a lot of pictures.. some are forbidden, while others are restricted.. so here goes my pic.

Quite a dashing fellow, am not i?
After sitting and talking and writing and discussing for a while, we then started the game simulation, where we ran, jumped, played and laughed.. i actually forgot my problems for a while but who am i kidding. problems are not to be forgotten but to be solved. if we continued to run away then someday at the time you expected the least, it'll come back and haunt you again..
Why am i talking about my problems here? hmm.. anyways, we took a lot of pictures.. some are forbidden, while others are restricted.. so here goes my pic.

Quite a dashing fellow, am not i?
I'm not really a believer of horoscope, prediction, fortune-telling, and all those sorts of thingy.. but today i accidentaly looked at the horoscope at my friendster and it's about like the one below me..
I don't know whether all Taurus people has the same problem as i do, but..

Coincidence? accurate prediction? decide on your own..
I don't know whether all Taurus people has the same problem as i do, but..

Coincidence? accurate prediction? decide on your own..
Friday, April 08, 2005
Am I Lost? Damn..
When it seems that things will go on smoothly, you really should be careful.. there are dangers around you even as you speak and walk freely and unaware of your surrounding..
And by the time you knew it, BAM!! you're knocked down, dragged to somewhere you are not familiar with or to the place you hated most, and left you there to suffer and rot..
And i think i'm lost in earthly hell, where i lost my loved one and left alone to cry my heart out..
Moral of the story : I'm single again.. life sure sucks at these moments.. damn..
And by the time you knew it, BAM!! you're knocked down, dragged to somewhere you are not familiar with or to the place you hated most, and left you there to suffer and rot..
And i think i'm lost in earthly hell, where i lost my loved one and left alone to cry my heart out..
Moral of the story : I'm single again.. life sure sucks at these moments.. damn..
Smile :)
Well, it happened again.. once again the problem disappeared on its own.. the more i think about it, the more i realize that we're not solving problems, but merely avoiding them.. i don't think it's a good idea to do that.. especially if they affect the relationship..
If this happened all the time, i think sooner or later it will lead to the expexted yet unwanted result, broken relationship..
I think it's time to change our attitude or else it's a "bye-bye"..
Well, guess i gotta start it with a smile.. :)

A good smile brings good fortune you know.. *wink* *wink*
If this happened all the time, i think sooner or later it will lead to the expexted yet unwanted result, broken relationship..
I think it's time to change our attitude or else it's a "bye-bye"..
Well, guess i gotta start it with a smile.. :)

A good smile brings good fortune you know.. *wink* *wink*
Thursday, April 07, 2005
Please Deh!!!
Yet another fight..
I'm sick and tired of it..
I love her so much and i know she loves me that much too, maybe even more.. but if this is how things will work out, then i don't think i can stand it anymore..
And this time i mean it!
I'm sick and tired of it..
I love her so much and i know she loves me that much too, maybe even more.. but if this is how things will work out, then i don't think i can stand it anymore..
And this time i mean it!
Wednesday, April 06, 2005
Up, Close and Personal
For those that haven't know me, yet, here are some of my testimonials.. hope you can know me more by just reading some of it.. well, buckle up.. *wink* *wink*
Deci, 3/28/2004:
Ki Leo, 3/28/2004:
Theresia, 3/31/2004:
Anita, 4/1/2004:
Rudy, 4/4/2004:
Yanto, 4/5/2004:
Wan, 4/6/2004:
Albert, 4/7/2004:
Elizabeth, 4/18/2004:
Fransisca, 4/23/2004:
Herman, 4/27/2004:
Inge, 5/11/2004:
Mr.T, 5/16/2004:
Stefanus, 5/25/2004:
Diana, 6/16/2004:
vHieA, 6/18/2004:
MAYA, 6/20/2004:
Ferry, 7/16/2004:
Sherlha, 7/27/2004:
IndoCina full, 8/15/2004:
pSycHeDeLiC, 9/13/2004:
Anna, 9/26/2004:
Jessica, 10/4/2004:
The CiNaz, 10/6/2004:
Lina, 10/8/2004:
Wilson, 10/10/2004:
Josua, 10/12/2004:
Ivy, 11/8/2004:
J Lie, 12/22/2004:
Jessica, 1/7/2005:
Adit - Persmega, 1/30/2005:
meRlinE, 2/21/2005:
CathRinz PhiNg, 2/26/2005:
Jessica, 3/15/2005:
Novi, 3/25/2005:
So far, those are my testimonials.. for more detailed testimonials, please log on to Friendster and search for or Eric Gunawan.
Til we meet again.. and as always, Luv Ya Hunny.. ^^
Deci, 3/28/2004:
"lucu juga ngeliat eric yang udah kerja, jadi rapih..."
Ki Leo, 3/28/2004:
"ga salah pilih deh kalo ambil erik, satisfaction guarantee."
Theresia, 3/31/2004:
"karena dia yang nolongin gua bikin Yahoo messenger sekarang gua bisa chatting deh haha....."
Anita, 4/1/2004:
" kalo g lagi kesel atau marah ama seseorang pasti dia harus jadi sasak tinju g."
Rudy, 4/4/2004:
"Anaknya sih gw akui (harus gw akui) pinter n cepet belajar, rajin tp juga pemalas (bingung kan ^-^)"
Yanto, 4/5/2004:
"Eric sih orangnya kocak abis, pintar dalam segala hal (game,buat heboh..terutama dalam hal ce)"
Wan, 4/6/2004:
"Eric adlh sbh object yg amat fleksibel,kpn lu butuh dia (boat curhat,having fun,sharing knowledge,pokoknya apa aja deh ... yg aneh2 iya nga yah ... ehmm ...) tinggal create aja objectnya."
Albert, 4/7/2004:
"this is a medanese bad ass. but damn, what a beautiful ass it is."
Elizabeth, 4/18/2004:
"hobi na: kirim2an msg via net send."
Fransisca, 4/23/2004:
"seru banget kalo udah ngumpul."
Herman, 4/27/2004:
"Kadang2 gua merasa lu pinter dan kadang gua merasa lu bloon."
Inge, 5/11/2004:
"Gila anak binus bikin tugas anak arsitek?!?"
Mr.T, 5/16/2004:
"doyan banget ama komputer."
Stefanus, 5/25/2004:
"orangnya kocak, sedikit cacat, tapi pinter."
Diana, 6/16/2004:
"lucu banget n suka ktawa."
vHieA, 6/18/2004:
"lu tu anomali-nya org medan kali y. trus kaya orang pacaran kalo lagi jalan ama nyokapnya... akrab benerrrrr...."
MAYA, 6/20/2004:
"salah satu temen gua sebagai pejuang di Ad-Ins, hidup medan!!!!"
Ferry, 7/16/2004:
"baek,asik,cooollllll,baek lagi asik lagi,cooooolllll abisssss."
Sherlha, 7/27/2004:
"suhuu.. masterr... guruuu... mohon bantuannya... HOAHOAHOA!!!!"
IndoCina full, 8/15/2004:
"Certified indocina member."
pSycHeDeLiC, 9/13/2004:
"tampanxna lumayan lhowh."
Anna, 9/26/2004:
"Kadang maksud hati mo ngerjain dia, apa daya diri sendiri yg dikerjain hiks.."
Jessica, 10/4/2004:
"Orangnya cuek, tapi setelah kenal jauh, keliatan dhe jail & gokilnya 1/2 idup."
The CiNaz, 10/6/2004:
"bELilaH baRanG2 kAmi di mAnGga dUa n gLodOk. mUrAh mErIahhh LhOo!!"
Lina, 10/8/2004:
"awal kenal dia kayaknya orangnya bae gitu tapi lama ancur abis d."
Wilson, 10/10/2004:
"ce2 out there, tunggu apa lagi, co baek2 kaya eric gak sering2 lahir."
Josua, 10/12/2004:
"ini satu org juga junkersnya IndoCina, kayak g huahahaha ^^"
Ivy, 11/8/2004:
"only one word for him : TOP...."
J Lie, 12/22/2004:
"tampangnya sih imut-imut.. trus.. macem gina-gina(anak-anak, red) gitu deh.."
Jessica, 1/7/2005:
"ko....banyak kale sih dd-dd nya??? jadi jealous dhe..."
Adit - Persmega, 1/30/2005:
"suka nge jayus.. orang na cuek.. dan yg pasti qta sehobi yaitu main GAME & suka KARAOKE.."
meRlinE, 2/21/2005:
"gw pikir di teh pendiam. Ternyata, anak ini gila banget.... Berantem terus ama gw!"
CathRinz PhiNg, 2/26/2005:
Jessica, 3/15/2005:
"HAH!!!!!punya pacar ga bilang2 ya?!!!"
Novi, 3/25/2005:
"gila bgt, iseng, kacau, bikin g ketawa mulu ampe sakit perut g (bersama dengan anggota pasukannya),suka aneh sendiri, easy going, tp kadang suka jayuzz jg wahahhahah.."
So far, those are my testimonials.. for more detailed testimonials, please log on to Friendster and search for or Eric Gunawan.
Til we meet again.. and as always, Luv Ya Hunny.. ^^
Tuesday, April 05, 2005
Okay, i noticed that i'm updating my blog on a 3~4 days basis, which is not a good thing, especially when there are people waiting for my update.. i myself also wanted a daily update.. alas, i got little time last three weeks so the blog is a little abandoned i think.. :p well, since i'm a bit free now, guess it's time to start updating..
Okay, let's start from Saturday.. woke up at 11 and i went to Novi.. finally after a week.. *poor us..* i had a haircut that day near her place.. not really that good but not to shabby also.. it's just that i looked a lot more chubbier.. and then at the evening we went to TA (again and again and again), i bought a long sleeves T-shirt while she bought a pair of working shoes.. later at night i finished about 10 pages of translation..
At Sunday, i woke up rather early and finished the rest 6 pages of translation and be happy about it.. *yay* took a bath and went to Novi again.. at the evening, we went to Megamall (finally hauauuah.. a change of place) and there we celebrated our first month anniversary, at Hanamasa.. okay, i admit that it's not that romantic.. but she wanted to eat Hanamasa so i guess that'll do.. :) hope this will lead to a long relationship and maybe even more.. luv ya hun.. mwah.. later at night i watched "Alexander" with my bro.. the movie is extremely long and by 2/3 of it i was already sleepy.. well, it's 2 AM already though.. so we stopped watching it and went to bed..
At Monday, eventhough i'm not really a Monday person, i must woke up early coz Novi's atm card was at my wallet and she needed it at 8 AM, so i must deliver it to her.. after accompany her to Agung Copy Centre (she had something copied there) i went to work.. finished 95% my Quiz Program, just needed to show clock at my program and it's done.. the main problem is i can't show the stupid clock.. and the evening, i went to CL with Ellen to accompany Cin repairing his shoes.. we had TaWan porridge for dinner (not bad but still can't beat my mom's homemade porridge.. mm.. mm.. luv ya mom..) went home and watched the remaining "Alexander".. i just hated the way the turn Alexander the Great into Alexander the Gay.. *shivers*
*UPDATE* i just found out that Alexander IS a gay.. *shivers even more*
Today.. missing my hunny..
Okay, let's start from Saturday.. woke up at 11 and i went to Novi.. finally after a week.. *poor us..* i had a haircut that day near her place.. not really that good but not to shabby also.. it's just that i looked a lot more chubbier.. and then at the evening we went to TA (again and again and again), i bought a long sleeves T-shirt while she bought a pair of working shoes.. later at night i finished about 10 pages of translation..
At Sunday, i woke up rather early and finished the rest 6 pages of translation and be happy about it.. *yay* took a bath and went to Novi again.. at the evening, we went to Megamall (finally hauauuah.. a change of place) and there we celebrated our first month anniversary, at Hanamasa.. okay, i admit that it's not that romantic.. but she wanted to eat Hanamasa so i guess that'll do.. :) hope this will lead to a long relationship and maybe even more.. luv ya hun.. mwah.. later at night i watched "Alexander" with my bro.. the movie is extremely long and by 2/3 of it i was already sleepy.. well, it's 2 AM already though.. so we stopped watching it and went to bed..
At Monday, eventhough i'm not really a Monday person, i must woke up early coz Novi's atm card was at my wallet and she needed it at 8 AM, so i must deliver it to her.. after accompany her to Agung Copy Centre (she had something copied there) i went to work.. finished 95% my Quiz Program, just needed to show clock at my program and it's done.. the main problem is i can't show the stupid clock.. and the evening, i went to CL with Ellen to accompany Cin repairing his shoes.. we had TaWan porridge for dinner (not bad but still can't beat my mom's homemade porridge.. mm.. mm.. luv ya mom..) went home and watched the remaining "Alexander".. i just hated the way the turn Alexander the Great into Alexander the Gay.. *shivers*
*UPDATE* i just found out that Alexander IS a gay.. *shivers even more*
Today.. missing my hunny..
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