Friday, December 28, 2007

Neo Year 2008

New Year is coming, got holiday at this 31st Dec, and nothing much but since it's the last day working, at least this will be the last entry this year. See you next year then. Short entry since it's time to go home already.

Ciao for now guys.

L.N. : Merry Neo Year 2008 hun.. love you more and more each passing day. *mwah*

P.S. : Merry Neo Year 2008 to al of you too.

Monday, December 24, 2007

The End Is Near

Beware, the end is near!! Yeah right, the end of year 2007 that is. Can't believe it that it's almost 2008 already. Time really flies around when you are busy (or not). Well, nearing this year end, quite a lot happened to me. Some are nice, some are just plain bad.

First of all, I lost my CDMA phone. I dropped it somewhere near my house but I just couldn't find it anywhere. I called it lots of time but no one picked up and in the end, the battery just ran out so I guess I won't find it unless someone found it, charged it and tell me where s/he is.

So to anticipate that, I finally bought a new CDMA phone. After looking and asking around, I made up my mind and bought an LG ID3000. It got 65k color LCD, some nice rings, airplane mode feature, and the greatest of all, it came with an Esia package which lets me call or message to other Esia numbers FREE of charge for half a year. Neat, huh?

Now I won't have to worry about running out of calling credit. At least for the next 6 months.

Other than that, I went to office with my hunny yesterday. Her Mac lost its Airport feature so she needed internet connection to find out how to fix it. After looking and trying some tricks, the airport finally shows up. But this morning she told me that the airport is gone again. So much for the efforts. Hopefully it'll show up again soon.

As for works, I'm still working with Tanjung to finish the project. Not to mention writing news and helping maintaining Disitu site in between. Holcim also looks like it's still far from finish. Oh well, at least there's still something to do.

So, that's a wrap for today's post. And before I forgot, have a Happy Christmas y'all. Have a happy holiday too. Hopefully all of you will enjoy the holiday as much as I do (although I doubt I'll enjoy it much since I'm still working in between the Christmas and New Year). Until next post then.

L.N. : Happy Christmas hun, wherever you are. *mwah*

P.S. : Happy Christmas to all of you too.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Busy Busy Busy

Wow.. Almost two weeks of absence. Maybe I really should spend some time here instead of working too much. But what can I say, busy seems to be my middle name lately. Let's see, I helped Tanjung on his project and almost completely abandoned Disitu. Well, I still wrote stuffs there but there are almost no enhancement or whatsoever there. I can only relaxed a bit after Tanjung and Ricky did the presentation.

Although there are still some minor errors (or maybe some majors here and there), lately I'm back at Disitu. I made some enhancement there like the hit counter for the Friends links and just now I finished a new component for Disitu. What it is, I can't tell you guys yet but hopefully it can be launched soon.

Oh, and did I mentioned about Heavy Knight's website? It's launched even though it's still under construction, but if any of you wishes to see it, you are welcome to visit it at Heavy Knight and maybe dropped a few comments.

And for the last part, I got this picture from my hunny. It was taken just a few days ago.

The one at the left is filled with origami birds I made for her. The other one is filled with origami butterflies she made for me. It took me almost a month to finish those birds, while it only took her about two or three days to finish those butterflies. Hmm, I wonder why?

Anyway, we went to Frendy and Jojo's wedding last Sunday evening. Charles took a picture of us and we really like it. Too bad I haven't got the picture yet, but I'll post it here as soon as I got it from Charles.

So, as the title said, busy busy busy, so I'm forced to leave you all early and back to work for the while. Hopefully the next entry won't be this long. And so with this I say to you, adios. Take care and smile all the time.

L.N. : *mwah* *mwah*

P.S. : *wink* *wink*

*Lazy mode on*