Tuesday, October 09, 2007

New Look of Disitu.com

That's right. Disitu.com has officially changed its look. All thanks to me *wink*. Well, of course the others helped as well. I wouldn't be able to done it without the template idea from Martin and the advices from Cin. Well, they are the designers here so I couldn't agree more to them when they said that the color of a table column looked odd or the pictures are blurred or something like that. Oh and also with the joomla guide from Wiwid and the comments from the others too. I sounded like I just won a Grammy of something.

Being working on this new template for Disitu.com, I learned quite a few tricks of HTML, css and of course the joomla itself. Apparently Joomla's php files and template files are supposedly separated, see? If you wanted to add a new template, it can be done without changing any php file. But dear old Wiwid did some unthinkable stuffs and tinkered with the php files to match with the template files. Something that I think he shouldn't do from the start, but hey, he's the only joomla master at that moment, so there.

Anyways, being inherited with the files and templates, I finally found out that some of the php files needed to be fixed. Unfortunately, I still tinkered some of the php files (although not many) to match my template file. Someday, maybe someday, I'll be able to completely separate those two so I can change the php files with ease or switch templates without having to worry about the php files.

Well, one thing for sure, my hunny is okay now. Yay for her, and yay for me too because I'm just so happy to see her and finally be able to hug her and kiss her and well, hug her again. Hey, I missed her, okay? The point is that I'm happy that she's fine now. Hopefully she won't catch typhus anymore in the future. *mwah*

Guess that's all for now. Since Disitu web got a new look, might as well asked you guys and gals to go and see it yourself. Drop some critics and comments. Help us in making a better website so we can give more for all of you. After all, you all are the reason we made the site in the beginning. I'll be waiting. ^^ Ciao.

L.N. : Love you hun. Can't wait to see you again soon. *mwah*

P.S. : Just a small reminder.. read the title ^^

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