Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Feelin' Special

Wake up and smell the coffee - says Roxette. So I woke up this morning but without any smell of coffee, which is obvious since no one is brewing any coffee. I myself only got a couple of sleeping hours last night because of no air-con and lots of pesky little creatures called mosquitoes. After a couple hours of trying to kill them using Kukuh's famous electric racket and failed because they kept coming and coming, I gave up and tried to get some sleep while slapped myself silly because of the mosquitoes kept biting me and sucking my blood away from me. The clock was showing 3 AM in the morning and finally I decided to tuck myself into a bed sheet, which is big enough to cover my entire body, and thin enough so I won't sweat at all. At that time, I felt bliss.

Later in the morning, I'm awaken by a phone call. With my eyes still closed, I picked up the phone and there I heard a sweet voice waking me up and kissed me and finally said "Happy Anniversary hun". Yup, for those who didn't know or did know but forgot, today is my Anniversary with her. Hopefully the next years will be a lot better for both of us since I knew the past few months are pretty rough, and we managed to get this far, which is of course a good thing. Well, I'm seeing her tonight for some dinner, laugh, hugs, kisses, and maybe.. well, I'm sure all of you don't even bothered to know the details right? So I'll keep it to myself then.

And by looking at the time, I'm sure it's lunch time, so be right back in a few. Minutes, hours, days, weeks, you name it. Just don't count on it too much, mkay?

L.N. : Happy Anniversary once again hun. Can't wait to hug and kiss you tonight. *mwah*

P.S. : Well, why am I still writing in PS anyway?

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