Monday, September 26, 2005

Made It.. Or Not?

Akhirnya selesai juga 4 hari jaga pameran Indocomtech.. berbagai suka duka telah dialami, mulai dari waktu abis di jalan, ketemu suporter Jak-Mania, ampe jaga malam.. pribadi seh gw mikirnya ga guna banget pameran kali ini soalnya HP nya ga laku sih.. selama pameran PDA yang laku cuma 2 kalo ga salah.. dan itu sewaktu gw ga jaga.. haiz.. kerjaan keteteran, kaki cape.. yang gw dapet selama pameran ini cuma pengalaman jaga, dan cuci mata sih.. SPG² yang ratingnya dari cakep ampe cakep banget, puas juga hehehe..

Sabtu kemaren, maen basket.. cape soale engkel yang keseleo lom sembuh T_T jadi maen nya ga isa maksimal. balik rumah mandi tidur.. minggunya abis jaga, balik kantor buat ngejar bayar utang jumat ga kerja.. haiz.. untung engine nya tinggal dikit jadi cepet beres nya.. trus beresin susun xml scenario 50 biji.. aaaaaaaaaaa.. untung cuma 50.. kalo ga bisa gila gw.. heueheuheuehe..

Demikian dah sekilas info.. inet di kantor masih lom tersedia berhubung abisnya quota.. haiz, quota quota.. kapan yah unlimited access.. *merenung*


Anonymous said...

PubSub's LinkRanks Measures Blog, RSS Feed Movement and Popularity, the essential prospective search tool for tracking what people are saying about the topics they care about, today announced the formal release of PubSub LinkRanks, the Blogosphere's most ...
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Anonymous said...

bro, hawwayahhhhh???
miz yr voice at kariookiii (read: karaoke) kekekekkeke...
sebenarnya mo comment ttg perasaan lu yg sedang terombang-ambing saat ini, i've been there and done that several times, and i do understand how u have felt lately..
don't feel like giving u worthless advice, only this: just keep being yrself, you who knows that u're a fighter and a tough mentalism man (apaan coba) coz u truly are, man! be cool k, everything has its moment.. n joyous will come at your never realising time.
enjoy the feeling of loneliness, coz u'll miss it when happiness comes HeHeHeHe

I'm done here hehehehe