Saturday, May 21, 2005

No Regret..

What done is done.. there's no way to turn back time..
No time to think about it.. no use in regreting..
Just live life to the fullest.. be a better person..
And last but not least.. finish Omniflash as soon as possible..

Just a little poem from me. heuheuheuehehe. ngaco bener itu poem. tapi yah begitulah gw. semenjak 2 bulan yang lalu, sifat lama gw tiba² muncul lagi. being moody, lazy and high-tempered, baik secara langsung maupun ngga langsung gw uda mulai menyakiti orang² di sekitar gw. orang² baik yang cuma melakukan kesalahan kecil tapi ngga tau kenapa bisa membuat gw senewen, kesel dan yang paling parah, menjadi marah.

Buat orang² yang merasa telah gw sakiti, gw minta maap sebesar²nya. this little child inside me is roaming again and despite the efforts i did 4~5 years back at college, it went back again. this time in an even worse attitude. can't help it i guess, as my grandfather, father and brother has the same case. maybe it's in the blood.

Ada yang tau ga program Anger Management di Indo? maybe it'll help to get rid the little grumpy and moody child inside me if i went through those courses. kalo ngga, berarti gw musti cari seseorang yang bisa men"jinak"kan gw.. sapa kah itu? *wondering*

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