Thursday, February 28, 2008

Lost In Time

First of all, sorry for the late entry. Been very busy lately with the projects, and not to mention got sick last Saturday which made me unable to go anywhere for the whole day. Luckily it's just momentary but still right now I'm not feeling really healthy yet. Oh well, guess my body is not a machine after all >o<>yesternight (what? yesternight is not a word? gotta change it then) last night. We planned on having dinner at Pluit Sakti, something that we've been wanting to do since I dunno when. But unfortunately it rained, and since both of us are not in the highest health level (a.k.a. sick condition) we decided to have dinner at Megamall instead.

Arriving at Megamall we immediately went to Red Bowl for some hainamese chicken rice. She had a Singaporean Hainamese Chicken Rice while I ordered Hong Kong Sauce Chicken with hainam rice. Delicious and satisfying but the portion are just about average. After that, we played and finished her copy of Professor Layton and the Curious Village. It's a fun game which consists of a lot of mini-games and puzzles. Card puzzle, math puzzle, logic puzzle, you name it. For you puzzle mania, that game is a good one for you guys.

OK, so after we finished the game, we went home and had rest. Today I'm starting a new project and maybe later this evening I'm going to play me some Rising Force, because specially for today, we get 2x exp points. *Yay * for RF. Hopefully I can make the most of it just for tonight.

And now I need to get to work, lots of stuff to catch on and hopefully quick to finish. See you all at my next entry. Ciao.

L.N.: Get well soon hun. Don't worry, I'm with you all the way. *mwah*

P.S.: Any of you play RF? :D

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Late Summary

Woke up early today and not knowing what to do, so heck, why not write blog? Well too much to tell makes me don't know where to start. Hmm, let's track back to last Thursday, when it's Valentine's day. Since it's working day, I can only met her at evening. We went to Megamall and dine at Fuji restaurant and sushi bar. The place is kinda cozy and quiet, being only visited by couples (hey, it's Val's day remember?) and the menu's quite standard and not too expensive. We ordered a bunch of food, which consists of rolls, katsu, ice cream, and of course ocha.

The food after the long dinner.

Like I said, mostly couples.

After the food, we went around for a while, and then after it's time to go home, we went to Carrefour and she bought me a valentine's gift. Ahw, so sweet. Curious at what she gave me?

Care to take a look inside?

A soap to brighten my skin. And it came with the soap holder. Kewl *wink*

And there you go. She bought me a couple of those so I can use them at home and office. After that we went home and sleep soundly. As for my gift, I'm still waiting for the pictures from her, so I'll upload it when I got it.

After that, the weekend just consists of us playing Rising Force Online. She's currently into RF so I thought, might as well accompany her since she said she's kinda lonely and bored playing it alone. "It's like playing offline and it's damn boring," she said. And since she already reached level 33 and I'm just level 20, I'll just have to work extra to get there A.S.A.P. She picked spiritualist and eventually became summoner so I choose warrior so I can tank her in the future. Hopefully I can made it though.

Well, that's that. For the work, it's kinda hectic with Marthin leaving us (how could you...) so now Disitu needs a lot more writer, full time is even better. Any of you guys interested? If yes, don't hesitate to tell me. Anyway, the sun's bright now and I need to get back to work, so I'll leave you all for now and hopefully I can get back here sooner than I hoped. Ciao.

L.N. : Sorry for the late post hun *mwah* love you *krauk*

P.S. : Keep the spirits high y'all, and keep bringing umbrellas. Raining seasons are sometimes pain in the arse, yeah?

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Bad Cold

Been catching cold lately, with sore throat and medium fever hanging around. Not a very good condition, considering there are jobs to do and it's valentine's day soon. I really wish I won't have to stay at bed at this 14th. Able to meet my hunny at that day is even more better.

Sadly there's not much to say either as I'm pretty busy finishing my jobs while clearing my nose in the mean time. Hopefully after this valentine, There'll be something to write here, and even better, some pictures to show you guys.

Anyway, gotta get back to work now. Be seeing you all soon then.

L.N.: Sorry for making you concern about me hun *mwah* Luv u "sayang" *wink*

P.S.: Take care of yourself guys.

Friday, February 08, 2008

Gong Xi Fat Choy

Wow, too busy with my works and then suddenly it's Chinese New Year once again. *woo-hoo* Too bad I'm here in Jakarta while my cousins and families are back there in Medan but as long as my family sticks together, I'm happy as it is. Not to mention I got my hunny by my side too. *mwah*

Well, this year's Chinese New Year's eve is a little bit different without my sis around. She went to Blitar with her husband to celebrate Chinese New Year with her new family. Being a new member of her husband's family, I think that's a good thing to do, but still it's not the same without her.

But luckily my auntie and cousin stayed with us and they even brought some nice foods such as roasted ducks and roasted stingray. Yeah, you read it right, roasted stingray. And you asked me how does it taste? Well it's D-E-L-I-C-I-O-U-S. Verily. It's tender meat will make you want more and more. Would you like to try it? I'll tell you how someday. *wink*

Anyway, I must be going now. Got lots of work to do as usual, and since it's still in the Chinese New Year mood, allow me to say Gong Xi Fat Choy for all of you good readers. May this new Mickey Mouse year brings us even more happiness, success, and prosperity all the way to the next Chinese New Year. Adios for now.

L.N.: Can't wait to meet and hug you again hun *mwah*

P.S.: Anybody wants to give me an angpao? *wink*

Friday, February 01, 2008

Annual Flooding

Yep, just got words from my mom. Our home is flooded again. Although not really high (about 4-5 cm) it's still a pain in the arse. I lost my working spirit just hearing that but even if I wanted to go home and help them, I can't because of the constantly pouring rain.

Just what's going on with Jakarta anyway. Made me wanna move away from there you know. I'll keep you guys updated with the situation around my home, maybe a pic or two if the flood is still there (something I really don't wish to happen).

Anyway, better get back to work before I completely lost it all. Ciao for now and check in soon for some updates.

L.N. : Missing and needing you right now hun *mwah*

P.S. : No mood at all guys.