Monday, December 01, 2008

Situs BeasiswaS1.Com

Beasiswa tentu merupakan sebuah program yang sangat dinanti-nantikan oleh mereka yang ingin menimba ilmu lebih tinggi tetapi mengalami kesulitan dalam melakukan hal tersebut, mungkin dalam hal pendanaan, kurangnya kesempatan, atau kurangnya akses ke program beasiswa tersebut.

Mengingat koneksi internet yang sudah semakin meluas dewasa ini, tidak ada salahnya bila anda yang tertarik dengan program beasiswa mengunjungi situs beasiswa s1 ini. Pada situs yang tertata rapi tersebut, anda bisa mendapatkan banyak informasi mengenai program-program beasiswa khususnya untuk jenjang S1.

Selain itu terdapat juga artikel-artikel mengenai kuliah atau beasiswa di luar negeri yang tentunya bisa memberikan anda pengetahuan baru atau tambahan bila anda tertarik untuk mencoba kuliah di luar negeri. Artikel dalam bahasa Inggris tentunya akan dapat membantu anda meningkatkan kemampuan berbahasa inggris anda.

Jadi tidak ada salahnya dong bila anda mengunjungi situs tersebut untuk informasi beasiswa s1 terbaru? Tentu tidak. Selamat mencoba untuk mendapatkan beasiswa.

Thursday, November 27, 2008


I've always wanted to have my own Nintendo DS handheld but since my financial state doesn't permit me to have one yet, I can only play DS games when my sister comes by at home or when my hunny bring hers when we meet each other.

And then things started to change.

A little while ago my hunny was in desperate need for some DS cheat, namely the MySims Kingdom game. Since she used some of the cheat available by the new R4's kernel, her ingame shop went haywire and she cannot buy any new furniture. Thus she needed the almighty "All Furnitures Unlocked" cheat.

But that's another story for another day. Today the story is about the Nintendo DS Emulator for PC. That's right. Now you can play DS games on your own PC (considering your PC meets the requirement needed to run some of the games) using the No$GBA emulator.

Read as No Cash GBA, this emulator is of course cash free and since you can also found DS ROMs all around the internet easily, that means free DS games without buying the DS itself. Whoopee.

Of course there are some games that are not really that compatible to this emulator yet, but then again, I don't think there are really a perfect emulator out there for DS yet and this one is almost close to perfect already so I think this will do for now.

So what's next? Downloading the ROMs of course har har har. Let's see, a couple of Final Fantasy ROMs, Castlevania ROMs, maybe some Mario ROMs, Pokemons, Chocobos, and many more. Let's just hope I won't be charged for piracy here.

So, for all of you looking for the emulator and some newest DS ROMs around, the best and fastest way will be of course going to Frozen ROMs. Best of luck and have fun in playing DS games. Ciao.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Judul yang simple bukan? Mungkin buat kalian yang belum pernah mendengarkan nama situs yang satu ini, ini adalah sebuah situs yang mainly dibuat untuk tempat curhat bagi kalian yang sedang dilanda berbagai masalah, dari masalah cinta, kerjaan sampai masalah keluarga sekalipun.

Jadi kenapa harus nulis disana? Bukankah lebih enak bila kita langsung cerita ke orang-orang terdekat kita dan langsung mendapatkan nasehat atau solusi untuk masalah kita? Yah, mungkin buat yang memiliki banyak teman atau keluarga yang mendukung, itu tidak menjadi masalah.

Tetapi bagaimana dengan mereka yang jauh dari orang-orang terdekatnya, misalnya anak kuliahan yang merantau jauh dari orang tua dan saudara-saudaranya?

Disinilah masuk. Buat kalian yang takut atau malu bila orang-orang tahu mengenai masalah anda (dipublish di world wide web kan sama saja dengan bisa diakses manusia satu dunia) maka tidak usah khawatir karena data kalian aman tersimpan dengan rapi.

Selain itu, pengunjung lain bisa memberikan komentar, nasehat, kritik, saran, solusi, atau apapun juga terhadap masalah yang kita tuliskan disana. Jadi jangan kaget bila kalian curhat disana dan kemudian seminggu kemudian ada puluhan saran atau nasehat buat anda.

Jadi bila kalian perlu curhat mengenai cinta ataupun curhat tentang keluarga maka kalian tidak perlu lagi bingung kepada siapa kalian harus menceritakan masalah tersebut, karena di ini, seluruh dunia (yang mengerti bahasa Indonesia tentunya) merupakan pendengar setia kalian.

Keren? So pasti. Jadi berhentilah bingung. Curhatlah sekarang juga dan semoga masalah kalian cepat terselesaikan.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Windows Live Writer

Blogging made easy. Maybe that's the best tagline I can think about this service from the MS Live. Just install it to your PC and voila, you can write blogs anytime you want (as long you got electricity of course) and then publish it whenever you want to.

It's mainly used with Windows Live Spaces and Sharepoint weblogs, but you can of course add other blogs as well like the one I'm using here in Blogger. I don't know about other blogs though but maybe Wordpress should be functional as well.

As for now, I'm still in the middle of confusion at doing the freelance stuff. The database that Magento uses is a complex EAV modeled database and I'm not really used to that kind of database. Hopefully it'll be finished in no time so I can move on to the next job.

Well, not much to say to this point, so adios for now. Blogging will be easier for me so hopefully I'll write a lot more entries using Live Writer. Ciao.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Komputer Baru, Hidup Baru

Akhirnya. Komputer baru. Setelah 4 tahun lebih (tepatnya 4 tahun dan 9 bulan), akhirnya komputer lama gw lengser keprabon juga. Komputer lama dinyatakan ga kuat dalam menjalankan script MySQL waktu menginstall program engine ecommerce Magento. Emang gila itu engine, masa komputer harus canggih baru bisa jalan di local.

Anyway, sebenarnya gw ga sepenuhnya ganti komputer since monitor, keyboard, HDD dan mouse masih tetap dipertahankan. Yang diganti itu hanya processor, mainboard, DVD RW, ama casing. But still the experience is different, since the speed and the processes are all so swift.

Dan sekarang setelah ganti komputer baru, suasana kamar juga langsung berubah. Pertama, hilang sudah suara berisik hasil produksi komputer lama. Selain itu, hasil beres-beres kamar membuat kamar jadi lebih lega banyak dan rapi (meskipun ga banyak berubah sih).

Belum lagi proses operasi komputer yang tentunya cepat banget. Komputer lama langsung berasa ga ada apa-apanya. Sayangnya graphic card model dulu udah ga bisa dipake lagi gara-gara model colokan AGP dan mainboard baru cuma support PCI Express saja. Tapi VGA on-board juga udah cukup sih.

Rencananya besok ato lusa pas ke Carrefour ato kemana gitu, gw bakal beli meja komputer baru buat ngegantiin meja yang uda dipake dari taon 99 ini. Bayangin aja meja dari tahun 99. That's like 9 years old and amazingly it can still withstand all the stuff on it. Hopefully meja barunya bisa tahan lama juga kaya meja yang satu ini.

Other than that, gw lagi mencoba sibuk dengan project freelance gw sekarang. Saat ini sih belum mulai tetapi uda ada ancang-ancang ke arah situ. Jadi hopefully bisa dapat duit dari situ deh.

Jadi yah begitulah. Dengan komputer baru, gw menuju hidup baru hoho. Semoga hidup baru yang lebih baik dah. And with this, I'm signing off. See you all at the next entry.

Thursday, October 30, 2008


Nothing much to write here, so here's a picture, fresh from my mailbox. Just watch it and you'll see.

Quite a nice moral story, don't you think? Anyway, I'm finished here, so bye for now.

apparently the image uploader from Blogspot changed the gif animated file into a png file, so I'm uploading it to another place and voila. Hopefully it'll work this time.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

New Month, New Entry

Update time!! Setelah lama tak bersua, akhirnya ada waktu juga buat update ini blog. Tidak banyak yang berubah dan tidak banyak terjadi apa-apa, hanya saja ada kejadian yang cukup menjengkelkan semalam, which made me quite angered by the way, yaitu internet FastNet yang nyala-mati.

Semuanya berawal jam 7 sore kemarin. Setelah bersih-bersih dan istirahat bentar, gw memutuskan untuk menyalakan internet. As usual, email checking and other stuff including beresin berita buat Tetapi setelah 10 menit penggunaan, tiba-tiba internet mati.

Cabut-pasang steker, disable-enable di network connection, dan sampai restart komputer dilakukan. Tetapi koneksinya kekeuh untuk ga mo nyala. Akhirnya nyerah dan telpon CS First Media (selanjutnya disebut CSFM). Jawaban yang diterima cukup mengejutkan yang kira-kira bunyinnya gini:
"Kita sedang ada masalah di Cipta Grha pak, dan koneksi internet Fast Net sedang terganggu di seluruh Indonesia. Saat ini teknisi kita sedang berusaha untuk memperbaikinya."
What the?! Masa sih sampai satu Indonesia kena semua? Oh well, since itu CS ngomong gitu, dan ada curigation muncul dikit, akhirnya gw minta hunnyku buat cek koneksi internet dia. And surprise, surprise, koneksi dia lancar-lancar aja.

Nah, artinya apa dong kalau begitu? CS nya bohong? Teknisinya super jago? Atau gw aja yang lagi sial mo maen internet pas koneksi lagi down? OK, gw pikir coba gw tanya lagi ke CS nya. Mungkin bakal dapat jawaban lain.

Dan abis itu, mulailah susah menghubungi CSFM, which is something pretty usual dan ga mengherankan, sampai akhirnya sekitar jam 11 malam. Waktu itu CS yang bertugas membantu untuk refresh koneksi ke modem gw. Akhirnya internet gw jalan juga malam itu.

But it didn't last long.

Baru saja browsing 1/2 jam, koneksi gw mati lagi. WTH?!?! Karena uda ada hawa bete, akhirnya gw telpon lagi CSFM untuk komplen lagi (sesuatu yang ga berguna sama sekali tetapi cukup untuk menyalurkan bete gw). Akhirnya setelah menunggu sampai jam 1 malam dan ga ada perkembangan apa-apa, gw tinggal tidur dah akhirnya.

And this morning the connection worked smoothly.

Well, dengan harga koneksi unlimited per bulan yang hanya Rp. ,-p lus ppn kayanya emang susah untuk mengharapkan sesuatu yang bagus. Like they said, tidak ada sesuatu yang sempurna sepenuhnya.

Morale of the story is, kalo internet di rumah putus dan ga kunjung nyala dalam waktu 1/2 jam, mendingan langsung ke warnet atau tidur aja, daripada jadi emosi dan marah-marah. Anyway, I'm finished ranting so time to get back to work. Ciao for now.

P.S. : Saat ini gw lagi mencoba membuat website pribadi dengan dukungan AJAX dan PHP. Penasaran? Stay tuned then.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Long Time No See

Hei semua.. Nah loh.. kok nulis dalam bahasa Indonesia? Hehe, so pasti dong. Kan gini-gini gw masih kebangsaan Indonesia. Meskipun udah long time ago nulis dalam bahasa Indonesia, tetep aja kan tiap hari gw ngomong nya Indonesia.

So what's up with my life? Sehari-hari ini sekarang gw masih aja ngejagain yang namanya Yap, media online yang tujuan awal nya buat bagi-bagi informasi tentang update technology dari mana saja, including negeri nya Paman Sam, Om Elton John, Kang Jet Li dan masih banyak lagi. Pengen tahu lebih lanjut? Langsung masuk aja kesana, eh disitu.

Selain itu? Game online. What else? Hidup gw ini emang ga ada jauh-jauhnya dari maen game dan saat ini yang sedang rame gw maenin adalah Perfect World a.k.a. PW. Cukup seru tapi agak membosankan pas level tinggi gara-gara monsternya yang rada-rada susah (and I mean REAL hard).

What about my hunny? Bidadariku yang pemalu tapi baek hati akhir-akhir ini juga sibuk maen PW (well, she's the main reason I played that game). Abis kasian dia dirumah juga ga ngapa-ngapain. Jadi mending dia maen aja lah daripada bengong trus kesambet hehe..

Yah, bagi kalian yang kangen ama gw (emang gw ngagenin yah?) allow me to say "Hi" again. And for now, cabut dulu yah. Uda jam pulang kerja soalnya hehe. Semoga entry berikutnya bisa lebih panjang lagi. Ciao.

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

A Guide For Buying iPod

iPods. Anyone never heard that name before? Classic, Nano, Shuffle, Touch, you name it. Those PMP from Apple sure is very famous right now and everywhere you go, there's bound to be one or two person using those small white earbuds. Or maybe you went to a friend's place and found out a new accessory that goes well with iPods? Sure you want one of those now. But do you know there are a lot of considerations to take before you get your hands on one of those iPods?

Now I'm not an expert on choosing a nice iPod myself. Luckily I found out a site that gives me a lot of informations on what to consider on buying an iPod. And what's more, I can buy it online. The website I'm talking about is ShopWiki. There you can check out the details on each iPod and even buy it online.

For example, let's look at the description they offer for an iPod Nano.
  • The iPod nano incorporates a high-capacity flash memory player in 4GB and 8GB versions.
  • Slim, sleek, sexy,and lightweight (1.75 ounces), and more durable than previous nano generation.
  • After consumer complaints and pending lawsuits regarding the easily scratch prone screen, Apple has started shipping the nano with a protective case.
  • From the older version of the iPod nano, the screen has been improved for video to 320 by 240 and increased to 2 inches (diagnol) and is stunning for its size!
  • The new 4 GB models comes only in silver, but the 8GB models come in silver, pink, blue, green, and black. A special edition (Product) red iPod nano is also availble in 8GB.
  • The 4 GB holds 1000 songs or 4 hours of video, while the 8 GB model carries 2000 songs or 8 hours of video.
  • Battery life allows for 24 hours of music playback and 5 hours of photo slide shows or video.
  • Despite problems with scratching, this player debuted to great reviews and remains popular among consumers.
  • Very popular in gyms since it is so lightweight
Quite detailed don't you think? And you can buy that iPod Nano by just clicking on the text at the left column and you'll be given a list of stores with the prices each store offers available for you.

If you already own one of those iPods, maybe you'll be interested in buying speakers for your iPod? Or maybe you're not satisfied with the quality of those tiny white earbuds and wanted to use a headphone instead? I know. Why not enjoy listening to your songs using remotes from distant away? There sure are a lot of information can be gained here.

Not interested in iPods? Why not search for other gadget? How about electronics? Games? Or maybe even for your beloved pets? ShopWiki got most of them covered. Just drop in and see for yourself, and maybe soon you'll be buying stuffs from there.

Happy shopping.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Camelback Displays For Your Displays and Booths

Ever been to an exhibition that has a nice setting on their stages or great booths designs? Ever thought about having your own booth someday at any exhibition? Of course you'll need some help on designing your own booth or stage. Those displays and furnitures don't come cheap you know. But surely you can rest assure if you use the trade show displays from Camelback Displays.

At Camelback Displays, they have a lot of variety to choose from for lighting truss for your stage or even just a simple banner stand. And since they say that a picture is worth a thousand words, below here are some of the truss the guys at Camelback Display can provide you with.

And not just that. They also have a lot of selection for banner stands there, and I mean a lot. From the retractable banner stands, rod tension banner stands, adjustable telescoping banner stands, to outdoor banner stands, double sided banner stands, speciality banner stands, and lots of custom options.

So remember, whenever you need to set up a booth for some trade show or presentation display, and need some displays while maintaining a low budget, you can always trust Camelback Displays, a one-stop shop for factory priced displays, exhibits and booths.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Fiji, The Fine Getaway

Ah, Fiji. An exotic place with lots of resorts and nice beaches. Don't get confused with Fuji though which is a mountain in Japan. This Fiji is an island country in the South Pacific Ocean with lots of small islands. Check this out, 302 islands (with 106 of them inhabited) and 522 islets. And lots of islands means lots of beaches and lots of fun waiting there.

But then you think that with those islands, this here Fiji won't provide any decent resorts or nice hotels? Well think again, because there ARE a lot of five stars hotels in Fiji and one of them is Sheraton Fiji Resort Denarau Island.

Looking at those pictures, you'll definitely want to stay there for at least a week or so. Well, that's what I thought at first glance. Those are what you will get with $299.00 per night rate.

Well, you can get rooms with lower rates. I was surfing on the internet a couple days ago and found a nice website, Cheaperthanhotels, that can help you get rooms with low rates on nice resorts all around Fiji.

Take the Broadbeach Gold Coast Hotels and Accomodation for instance. You can find hotels with best accomodation such as Conrad Jupiters Hotel & Casino Gold Coast with $179 per night rate.

Or would you rather prefer to pick a three-star accomodation at the Hi Ho Beach Apartments Gold Coast with a $77 per night rate?

Anyway, whatever your choices are, just remember that Cheaperthanhotels can help you with last minutes access to hotel deals and even pre-booked discounts online. Nice isn't it?

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Save The Earth!!

Yesterday at 22nd April 2008 the whole world celebrated the Earth Day 2008. Me? I celebrated my hunny's birthday. Too bad she's sick so we didn't have the chance to meet each other. Luckily I already gave her her birthday present, so at least she won't have to be sick and curious at the same time.

The present is supposedly a bus-cafe which consists of 5 different small section. You'll have to assemble each section from small sticks and parts so they became the cashier part, tables and chairs, etc. After that, you can combine each section to another by using the available joints and voila, a bus-cafe with waitresses and small cute creatures. I'll upload the pics when I get those from her.

Anyway, lately I've been busy with the Batlarm projects and Disitu occasionally. For those that are curious on what I've doing lately, here's a little sneak preview.

Batlarm Blog

So that's all for now. As I'm quite busy, I leave you all with a link to the gamedevid forum where there are some other screenshots as well. Bye for now and have a nice day.

L.N. : Get well soon hun. Can't wait to hug you. *mwah*

P.S. : He? What do you mean the title is not relevant?

Thursday, April 03, 2008

Busy or Lazy?

Just took a short glance at my blog, and man, it's so out dated. Can't believe I missed posting entries here since the 12th of March. All those works and projects and games and relations things sure set me busy for a while, eh? Well, not to mention lazy maybe? Oh well, you guys decide.

Moving along, lately I've done so much, maybe too much, I forgotten most of them. Let's see. The SMS project is still going on, the Word Search is already on the market, although sometimes there are complains and helps required, and maybe helping out others with their projects such as Cin with the e-mazine (read: imagine) stuff and Tanjung with the Bursa, both at Disitu.

But nonetheless, maintaining Disitu is less tiring for the moment, as my concern is only fixing those hot news and featured news, and maybe sometimes moderating the news by the new authors. I also still need to finish the game for that RPG Challenge by GDI forum. Luckily they extend the deadline to the end of this April (previously at 12th April).

And of course, the most important thing, my hunny. We met two days ago, celebrating our monthlyversary. We went to T.A., almost starved to death because of those wicked traffic jams. Hated those real bad. Anyway, after we finally arrived at T.A., we went straight to Eaton for some Yang Chow fried rice and Hong Kong style Wonton noodles. After that I bought a small cake for our dessert and celebration. After that, we went to Hero to buy some apples, bread and peanut butter (creamy, although i prefer chunky better). After that, we went straight home.

Well, that's all for the moment I guess. Still a lot to do so I'll leave you all for now. Be seeing you at the next entry which I hope won't be long from now. Adios.

L.N. : Miss my entries hun? Enjoy then. *mwah*

P.S. : Hi again guys. :D

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Colour Blind

Just recently I heard this song a couple times, be it at work or at home. Quite a nice song and since the title represents a bit of myself, I kinda like it, not to mention the lyrics are kinda sweet too. Lyrics below.

Colour Blind
Written by Darius

Feeling blue
When I'm trying to forget this feeling
That I miss you

Feeling green
When the jealousy wells and it won't
Go away in dreams

Feeling yellow
I'm confused inside a little hazy but mellow
When I feel your eyes on me

Feeling fine, sublime
When that smile of yours
Creeps into my mind

Nobody told me it feels so good
Nobody said you'd be so beautiful
Nobody warned me about your smile
You're the light
You're the light
When I close my eyes
I'm colour blind
You make me colour blind

Feeling red
When you spend all your time with your friends
And not me instead

Feeling black
When I think about all of the things that
I feel I lack

Feeling jaded
When it's not gone right
All the colours have faded
Then I feel your eyes on me

Feeling fine, sublime
When that smile of yours
Creeps into my mind

back to *

Blinded by the light you shine
The colours fade completely
Blinded by you everytime
I feel your smile defeat me
I'm colour blind
I just can't deny this feeling

back to * 2x

Well, just wanna post this lyrics. Nothing much though, except that last Monday my uncle just passed away. My deep regret to my cousins and hope they'll be alright. Oh well, that's life. See y'all later then. Not really in the mood to write since I'm kinda sad too because of this tragedy.

L.N. : Too bad we couldn't meet today hun. Hopefully next better k? *mwah*

P.S. : Dunno what to say guys.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Another Nice Weekend

Last weekend was nice. We went to CitraLand for some buffet treat at The Buffet. Since there's this HSBC promo, we enjoyed a 50% discount on the meals there. We had roasted duck, dimsums, pizzas, crepes, ice creams, and many more. Delighted (and full) with the meal, we later went to Mangga Dua Square to try playing online games at Ayola.

There we played RF for an hour, and then we looked around, bought some DVDs, and went to Saga Hobby and I bought an NDS pouch for her. It got the 1-up green mushroom from the Mario Bros series, but she insisted on wanting the red mushroom because she liked red better. Finally I was able to convince her to accept the green, exclusive, rare one. I myself bought a Ryuubi (Liu Bei) SD Gundam. Quite nice but not very satisfying in the end though.

The super ultra rare exclusive 1-up green mushroom

After that we went home and have a good rest.

Sunday we went to Budhi's farewell party since he's going to Singaporeto work there. There we ate and sing until 10 o'clock, and after that we went home. Monday, I'm not feeling well *again* and had to stay at home all day. Tried to go to net cafe to write some news for Disitu but finally I ended up playing games for a while and then went home to sleep.

Today, as usual, lots of work and not enough time to spare for my project. I tried to post some questions at GDI and still waiting for more replies. Oh well, life's good for the moment, so I'll leave you all for now. Bye and see y'all later.

L.N. : Missing you here more than usual *krauk*

P.S. : Have a nice day y'all

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Small Time Update

Hey y'all. So sorry for not posting any entry lately since I got too much at hand. News at, my own project on RPG Challenge, and of course my precious time for my family especially my sweet hunny. But finally I found a small free time and so here goes.

For today I'll just post some pictures I promised earlier, which is my valentine gift for my hunny back then. It's just a simple desk cradle toy, something like the Newton Ball toy but it got two babies sitting on bicycle wheels. Well if you don't know what I'm talking about, just look at the pics below.

The gift box with a small card in the small envelope

The card with lots of words and secrets.

The cradle I mentioned.

So there you go. As for my daily life, nothing much except writing news, doing my own project and spending time with her. That's all and I'm afraid it's timet to go so check you all out later. Adios for now.

L.N. : Always be with you hun. Hope you get well soon. *mwah* Miss you.

P.S. : Keep up your health y'all. Still the sick season for now I'm afraid.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Lost In Time

First of all, sorry for the late entry. Been very busy lately with the projects, and not to mention got sick last Saturday which made me unable to go anywhere for the whole day. Luckily it's just momentary but still right now I'm not feeling really healthy yet. Oh well, guess my body is not a machine after all >o<>yesternight (what? yesternight is not a word? gotta change it then) last night. We planned on having dinner at Pluit Sakti, something that we've been wanting to do since I dunno when. But unfortunately it rained, and since both of us are not in the highest health level (a.k.a. sick condition) we decided to have dinner at Megamall instead.

Arriving at Megamall we immediately went to Red Bowl for some hainamese chicken rice. She had a Singaporean Hainamese Chicken Rice while I ordered Hong Kong Sauce Chicken with hainam rice. Delicious and satisfying but the portion are just about average. After that, we played and finished her copy of Professor Layton and the Curious Village. It's a fun game which consists of a lot of mini-games and puzzles. Card puzzle, math puzzle, logic puzzle, you name it. For you puzzle mania, that game is a good one for you guys.

OK, so after we finished the game, we went home and had rest. Today I'm starting a new project and maybe later this evening I'm going to play me some Rising Force, because specially for today, we get 2x exp points. *Yay * for RF. Hopefully I can make the most of it just for tonight.

And now I need to get to work, lots of stuff to catch on and hopefully quick to finish. See you all at my next entry. Ciao.

L.N.: Get well soon hun. Don't worry, I'm with you all the way. *mwah*

P.S.: Any of you play RF? :D

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Late Summary

Woke up early today and not knowing what to do, so heck, why not write blog? Well too much to tell makes me don't know where to start. Hmm, let's track back to last Thursday, when it's Valentine's day. Since it's working day, I can only met her at evening. We went to Megamall and dine at Fuji restaurant and sushi bar. The place is kinda cozy and quiet, being only visited by couples (hey, it's Val's day remember?) and the menu's quite standard and not too expensive. We ordered a bunch of food, which consists of rolls, katsu, ice cream, and of course ocha.

The food after the long dinner.

Like I said, mostly couples.

After the food, we went around for a while, and then after it's time to go home, we went to Carrefour and she bought me a valentine's gift. Ahw, so sweet. Curious at what she gave me?

Care to take a look inside?

A soap to brighten my skin. And it came with the soap holder. Kewl *wink*

And there you go. She bought me a couple of those so I can use them at home and office. After that we went home and sleep soundly. As for my gift, I'm still waiting for the pictures from her, so I'll upload it when I got it.

After that, the weekend just consists of us playing Rising Force Online. She's currently into RF so I thought, might as well accompany her since she said she's kinda lonely and bored playing it alone. "It's like playing offline and it's damn boring," she said. And since she already reached level 33 and I'm just level 20, I'll just have to work extra to get there A.S.A.P. She picked spiritualist and eventually became summoner so I choose warrior so I can tank her in the future. Hopefully I can made it though.

Well, that's that. For the work, it's kinda hectic with Marthin leaving us (how could you...) so now Disitu needs a lot more writer, full time is even better. Any of you guys interested? If yes, don't hesitate to tell me. Anyway, the sun's bright now and I need to get back to work, so I'll leave you all for now and hopefully I can get back here sooner than I hoped. Ciao.

L.N. : Sorry for the late post hun *mwah* love you *krauk*

P.S. : Keep the spirits high y'all, and keep bringing umbrellas. Raining seasons are sometimes pain in the arse, yeah?

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Bad Cold

Been catching cold lately, with sore throat and medium fever hanging around. Not a very good condition, considering there are jobs to do and it's valentine's day soon. I really wish I won't have to stay at bed at this 14th. Able to meet my hunny at that day is even more better.

Sadly there's not much to say either as I'm pretty busy finishing my jobs while clearing my nose in the mean time. Hopefully after this valentine, There'll be something to write here, and even better, some pictures to show you guys.

Anyway, gotta get back to work now. Be seeing you all soon then.

L.N.: Sorry for making you concern about me hun *mwah* Luv u "sayang" *wink*

P.S.: Take care of yourself guys.

Friday, February 08, 2008

Gong Xi Fat Choy

Wow, too busy with my works and then suddenly it's Chinese New Year once again. *woo-hoo* Too bad I'm here in Jakarta while my cousins and families are back there in Medan but as long as my family sticks together, I'm happy as it is. Not to mention I got my hunny by my side too. *mwah*

Well, this year's Chinese New Year's eve is a little bit different without my sis around. She went to Blitar with her husband to celebrate Chinese New Year with her new family. Being a new member of her husband's family, I think that's a good thing to do, but still it's not the same without her.

But luckily my auntie and cousin stayed with us and they even brought some nice foods such as roasted ducks and roasted stingray. Yeah, you read it right, roasted stingray. And you asked me how does it taste? Well it's D-E-L-I-C-I-O-U-S. Verily. It's tender meat will make you want more and more. Would you like to try it? I'll tell you how someday. *wink*

Anyway, I must be going now. Got lots of work to do as usual, and since it's still in the Chinese New Year mood, allow me to say Gong Xi Fat Choy for all of you good readers. May this new Mickey Mouse year brings us even more happiness, success, and prosperity all the way to the next Chinese New Year. Adios for now.

L.N.: Can't wait to meet and hug you again hun *mwah*

P.S.: Anybody wants to give me an angpao? *wink*

Friday, February 01, 2008

Annual Flooding

Yep, just got words from my mom. Our home is flooded again. Although not really high (about 4-5 cm) it's still a pain in the arse. I lost my working spirit just hearing that but even if I wanted to go home and help them, I can't because of the constantly pouring rain.

Just what's going on with Jakarta anyway. Made me wanna move away from there you know. I'll keep you guys updated with the situation around my home, maybe a pic or two if the flood is still there (something I really don't wish to happen).

Anyway, better get back to work before I completely lost it all. Ciao for now and check in soon for some updates.

L.N. : Missing and needing you right now hun *mwah*

P.S. : No mood at all guys.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Cute Froggie That Is A Secret Base But Doesn't Look Like One

Okay, it's officially photo week (or should I say photo month?) because I'm uploading more photos, courtesy of my hunny. Below this is the pics from her Keroro Earth Secret Base (or something like that) from the Keroro Gunso series.

Sergeant Keroro

Corporal Giroro

Private Second Class Tamama

Sergeant Major Kururu

Lance Corporal Dororo

The Keroro Platoon

And together they are:


"How do you do everyone?"

Behold the inner chamber of the Keroro Secret Base.

The master brain

Ever see a secret base that dance?

Beside the lovely Christmas tree

That's all for now, hope y'all like me.

Don't forget my master.

Ciao from both of us.

And that's that. So off I go coz lots of work to do lately. Be seeing y'all.

L.N. : Hope you like it hun. *mwah*

P.S. : Hope you guys enjoy it.