Three free days! Wheee.. It's been like ages since the last time I spent free times in the middle of my working days. Well you know, being always having two free days sometimes is not enough. Not at all, mind you. But then again, those three days are always filled with at least me going either to office or to net cafe to write news at Disitu. Read on.
Okay, so my first day at Fri. Woke up at around 11 and cleaned the house a bit. Then me, my bro and my sis ordered something to eat from Bakmi Eko and after that I went to office to write something at Disitu. Chatted with Adit for a while and went home after around six. At night, my hunny felt so tired she went to sleep early, so I went to net cafe with my sis for a while and that's a wrap for Friday.
Saturday was fun too. Woke up at around 11 (again) but this time no house cleaning to do. So I chatted with her at phone for a while and after that I went to Mangga Dua Mall to accompany her buying her new BlackBerry 8100. After that we went about at the mall for a Logitech mouse, an auxiliary audio cable for my tape deck at home and to buy a new Esia number for my bro. We also ate at KFC and I did eat some sweet corns while she had some tahu gejrot. Went home at around 5 and at 9 my mom got home from Singapore. We hugged and talked and chatted and laughed. Sure is good times. Oh and my hunny is also asleep already since she's also kinda tired that day.
Sunday, we went to Jcc in the morning for the Wedding Festival 2007 since our bosses asked us to go there. Arrived there at about 10 and the patron said that it's not opened yet, at least not before 11. So we ate some tahu gejrot and at 11 we went inside. Nothing special really since it's for peoples that are going to get married. So we ended up looking around and gathering brochures and fliers and such. I took a few pics but most of the tenants are not allowing taking pictures so I just got a few. After we got bored there (which only took about an hour) we headed to Taman Anggrek to watch Ratatouille (Rat•a•too•ee) but before that we ate at Hartz Buffet. Well it's actually Hartz Chicken Buffet with a new look and a lot newer menus. But for me, Rp. 69.300 ,- / pax is a total rip-off. OK, back to Ratatouille, the movie is nice and funny, and I think the movie has a morale, which is of course, that "anyone can cook" *grin* after the movie we went about and around the mall and eventually went back home. Later that night, my uncle came and spent the night with us.
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that earlier in the morning, I won 2 bottles of Nu Green Tea. So the first time I bought it, I thought, sure is nice if I won once in a while. And I did! After showing the cap to the cashier, I took a new bottle. And I teased the cashier, what if i won at the second bottle as well? And she said I can get another new one. So I opened, and I won again! But this time, I didn't exchange the cap with a new bottle as the new one is still full and the cashier need the cap to complete the exchange. So in the end I only get one new Nu Green Tea. But I was kinda lucky eh?
Anyways, it's kinda long post already so I better get back to work now. Adios for now.
L.N. : It's not even 24 hours yet and already I missed you a lot *mwah*
P.S. : Did you guys miss me as well? *wink*
Okay, so my first day at Fri. Woke up at around 11 and cleaned the house a bit. Then me, my bro and my sis ordered something to eat from Bakmi Eko and after that I went to office to write something at Disitu. Chatted with Adit for a while and went home after around six. At night, my hunny felt so tired she went to sleep early, so I went to net cafe with my sis for a while and that's a wrap for Friday.
Saturday was fun too. Woke up at around 11 (again) but this time no house cleaning to do. So I chatted with her at phone for a while and after that I went to Mangga Dua Mall to accompany her buying her new BlackBerry 8100. After that we went about at the mall for a Logitech mouse, an auxiliary audio cable for my tape deck at home and to buy a new Esia number for my bro. We also ate at KFC and I did eat some sweet corns while she had some tahu gejrot. Went home at around 5 and at 9 my mom got home from Singapore. We hugged and talked and chatted and laughed. Sure is good times. Oh and my hunny is also asleep already since she's also kinda tired that day.
Sunday, we went to Jcc in the morning for the Wedding Festival 2007 since our bosses asked us to go there. Arrived there at about 10 and the patron said that it's not opened yet, at least not before 11. So we ate some tahu gejrot and at 11 we went inside. Nothing special really since it's for peoples that are going to get married. So we ended up looking around and gathering brochures and fliers and such. I took a few pics but most of the tenants are not allowing taking pictures so I just got a few. After we got bored there (which only took about an hour) we headed to Taman Anggrek to watch Ratatouille (Rat•a•too•ee) but before that we ate at Hartz Buffet. Well it's actually Hartz Chicken Buffet with a new look and a lot newer menus. But for me, Rp. 69.300 ,- / pax is a total rip-off. OK, back to Ratatouille, the movie is nice and funny, and I think the movie has a morale, which is of course, that "anyone can cook" *grin* after the movie we went about and around the mall and eventually went back home. Later that night, my uncle came and spent the night with us.
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that earlier in the morning, I won 2 bottles of Nu Green Tea. So the first time I bought it, I thought, sure is nice if I won once in a while. And I did! After showing the cap to the cashier, I took a new bottle. And I teased the cashier, what if i won at the second bottle as well? And she said I can get another new one. So I opened, and I won again! But this time, I didn't exchange the cap with a new bottle as the new one is still full and the cashier need the cap to complete the exchange. So in the end I only get one new Nu Green Tea. But I was kinda lucky eh?
Anyways, it's kinda long post already so I better get back to work now. Adios for now.
L.N. : It's not even 24 hours yet and already I missed you a lot *mwah*
P.S. : Did you guys miss me as well? *wink*